Should you include hobbies and interests on your CV?

10 Minutes

Should you include hobbies and interests on your CV?  Well the jury is still out on the...

Should you include hobbies and interests on your CV?  Well the jury is still out on the added value of this information but one thing is certain: if you do they had better be real, relevant and not outrageous!

Some employers like to see hobbies and interests as it can provide a peek at the person and personality behind the career history and education.  They can also indicate transferable skills, for instance if you are a keen football player it demonstrates your ability to work as part of a team and can be a way of showing core competencies.  Similarly if you are a keen runner and have taken part in fun runs for charity you can point this to a company’s CSR policy and your willingness to involve yourself in such activities that indicate you contribute to the company as a whole and not just to the role and immediate team.

They can also serve to demonstrate your work/life balance and suggest you have keen interests in other activities.

That said be aware your interests may be interpreted in different ways and could lead you to be pre-judged if you include weird and wonderful activities.  Your pastime may include being a circus clown but unless you are applying for a job as a children’s entertainer, it may give the impression that you will be the office clown when at work!

Equally the words “enjoys socialising” can be interpreted as “always in the pub” and “skiing” as “going to be off with broken bones”!

Most importantly if you do choose to include your hobbies ensure they are real.  You don’t want to say you are a keen tennis player only for your interviewer to be a pro and catch you out.

In summary, as with all elements of your CV, it is vital that you consider them carefully, and if you are in any doubt or think they could be misconstrued leave them off.